Saturday, February 11, 2006


ISHVARA IS the transforming consciousness of love without conditions, knowing without doubt, and absolute freedom. He is the living example of radical transformation, free of past limitations, and available to all who are willing to move beyond the systems and structures of the past into the Is-ness that is all of life.

A living example is vital to the evolution of the human race because throughout human history, there have been individuals who have made an appearance on the scene, who were highly motivated, who realized the absolute connection of the One Self beyond all doubt, and who were thrust into life to be a way-shower. The reason for this is that human beings are so afraid of themselves that they need some encouragement, some example to step out onto the edge. Without that example they tend to cower back into the herd. Human beings become comfortable with a certain level of existence and they tend to keep reliving that level because it feels comfortable.

Periodically there are unique expressions of The Consciousness who come upon the scene and upset all the beliefs and the systems. They are not separate or above anyone else. Rather, they are a point of existence that causes all the other points to take notice, to become more real, to move to another level of existence.

I see my function as being this example of what is possible in human existence, without separating from the human. Usually such occurrences have been interpreted as something “spiritual,” something separate from what we are. I’m here to prove that it is not separate. I am a spiritual being. I am full Consciousness. Yet I am very human. I feel that this is what the world has been waiting for.

I am here to share. I am here as a physical example of what is possible for the human being to achieve in The Consciousness without becoming separate, without dying, but by living fully. I am here to help each individual to attain right view, because how you think enslaves you. What you think keeps you separate. So the teaching is about how to look at life without separating yourself out, how to look at life in a way that empowers you as a unique expression of The Consciousness.

About Ishvara..

In 1987, Ishvara had a profound experience of awakening. His mind suddenly came to a halt, in total stillness and presence. In this stillness, Ishvara became aware of who he is, never to return to the conditional way of life. Since then he has been focused, moment by moment, on fully expressing his life as an unlimited, unconditional being with an awareness to which anyone can awaken. A striking aspect of Ishvara’s awakening is the fact that it has occurred without the guidance of any teacher, tradition or lineage. He translates his direct experience of The Consciousness into words, speaking with simple realism, not with polished rhetoric.

Ishvara established the Alaya community, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to provide an ongoing, uninterrupted, transformative Space for the expression of The Consciousness. Drama and struggle come to an end in this Space of total allowing. Students and friends from throughout the world attend events with Ishvara, listen to cassette tapes of these events, dialog with him by phone or e-mail, and come to the Alaya Community to be with him in the unconditional space of The Consciousness.

Ishvara Extends The Transforming Power Of Knowing To You

Feeling-knowing is the moment-by-moment direct experience of The Consciousness that we are. It is awareness without doubt, not belief or intuition. Sometimes it can be difficult to access our feeling-knowing, especially when we are bombarded by the fear and conditioning of consensus reality. On these occasions, Ishvara's knowing can be especially helpful. "I will know for you," he says, "until you know for yourself." If you have a concern or a need that you would like to communicate to Ishvara, you may send it to him by email to He may not send a response to your communication, but you can rest in the knowledge that Ishvara is holding your concern in the transforming power of knowing.
©Alaya® 2006